Have you ever read a story about someone with cancer, who has lost a limb or has only so much predicted time to live go out and live their dream?

I applaud them as I know you do.

They inspire us, filling our hearts with hope and strength.

But what of you and me? After you read the story what did you do about it?

Did you drop everything (or at least somethings) and pursue your dream?

If you did YOU are the next inspirational story! 5.jpeg

If not I have to ask you why.

Why do we believe we must to wait to be great?  Does it take a sudden tragedy for you and me to WAKE UP and realize that we only have so much TIME LEFT?

I think it’s because society is overconfident and lazy. 

We ASSume that someday somewhere and somehow in someway we will do this or that.

Today I looked at the calendar.  I didn’t see a someday???days

WAIT? WAIT FOR WHAT?  Don’t be a fool which is the majority of the world, I am grieved to say.

They’ve fallen asleep. proverbs 24.jpg





Don’t WAIT..tomorrow it may be to LATE.


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